monkinetic the blog

Daily Digest for Tuesday, Jan 14, 2020

☀️ Earliest posts come first.

Steve Ivy

@duretti facebook: if you’re vain about your kids

~ # 16:18 ~

Steve Ivy

RT @zdfs: Me. Writing code from home.

~ # 16:19 ~

Steve Ivy

Pandas: dataframe .to_csv takes a path or buffer Me: cool, cool. now I want to write to html to this path Pandas: oh, dataframe .to_html takes a buffer Me: 😑

~ # 17:48 ~

Steve Ivy

RT @nkjemisin: Started to write a long tweet thread about how diversity is part of quality, how it feeds into worldbuilding and character…

~ # 18:33 ~

Steve Ivy

RT @SpeakerPelosi: American elections should be decided by the American people, not by the Russian Government. Retweet if you agree!

~ # 20:34 ~

Steve Ivy

Accidentally botched my email address when creating an account on @internetarchive, and can’t figure out how to get help. I don’t want to create yet another account, because my username is now used…

Anyone over there able to help?

~ # 22:02 ~

Steve Ivy

So perfect. Now I want the American Chopper argument meme… :P

~ # 23:08 ~

Steve Ivy

@evanpro I can’t stop thinking about this. Any prior art I should look at? #blogging #nerd

~ # 23:12 ~

Steve Ivy

@evanpro As a first step, the snapshot API looks intriguing:

Tell “something changed, crawl me”

~ # 23:36 ~