monkinetic the blog

Posts tagged with 'openstack' (4 posts)

Steve Ivy

#openstack implementors: is it possible to use celery for async tasks from code running on the controller (horizon) box?

~ # 01:28 ~

Steve Ivy

Unit testing #openstack apps is more complicated than it should be, but can be done; unless, that is, you’re modifying create-instance. #ow

~ # 15:13 ~

Steve Ivy

Working with unit tests and mox in openstack… infuriating. I don’t understand mox and am sure it hates me, personally. #python #openstack

~ # 15:22 ~

Steve Ivy

Hey #opsfolk: You’re spec’ing a Rackspace VPS for a jenkins-ci/logstash environment, small startup scale right now. Go. #openstack #devops

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