monkinetic the blog

Daily Digest for Thursday, Nov 18, 2004

☀️ Earliest posts come first.

Evening tidbits

Doing some work this evening… I lost my NetNewsWire subscriptions and managed to rebuild most of them from the cache folder, so I spent the time cleaning out the list, unsubscribing from many feeds that I just did not care about anymore. In the same spirit, I’ve been unsubscribing from a ton of mailing lists, and re-subscribing to them from my Gmail account. Let Google store my list archives, with all its searchable gigabyteness.

Steve Ivy

To read again and process – Web Usability - Accessible Forms: >"This document is concerned with what the user of a Website form "sees" and interacts with. It outlines how you can create forms for the Web that are more accessible…"

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