monkinetic the blog

Daily Digest for Monday, Dec 16, 2019

☀️ Earliest posts come first.

Steve Ivy

I’m voting for Elizabeth Warren in the Democratic primary.

~ # 03:43 ~

Steve Ivy

@gak_pdx That’s… real pretty

~ # 19:33 ~

Steve Ivy

@chrismessina @arxpoetica @Rich_Harris @johnmccrea @daveman692 @jsmarr @willnorris @jasnell @robdolin @apparentlymart @ciberch ActivityPub is descended from but so much more work has gone into it and the federated social web thanks to @dustyweb and their collaborators.

@MastodonProject is currently the most famous implementer, but far far far from the only.

~ # 21:10 ~

Steve Ivy

@chrismessina @arxpoetica @Rich_Harris @johnmccrea @daveman692 @jsmarr @willnorris @jasnell @robdolin @apparentlymart @ciberch @dustyweb @MastodonProject @dustyweb et al have done a lot of work on specs and pilot implementations, but there are many implementations out there covering many genres of content

~ # 21:13 ~

Steve Ivy

Sure I’m not the first, but just thought of the the term “pattern mapping” vs “pattern matching”.

“Pattern mapping” is when you’re entering a new environment and trying to map all the patterns of working you know to the new context/structure.

Produces much stress/anxiety

~ # 23:48 ~

Steve Ivy
  1. write humble brag 2) replace humble brag with <humble brag deleted> 3) delete tweet 4) don’t mention it at all (I failed #4)

~ # 23:59 ~